Christine Belanger

An artist dedicated to protecting the natural world, with a particular focus on wolves.

Christine is a professional portrait artist for more than twenty years and has created many prominent inductee portraits for The Skate Canada Hall of Fame such as: Sandra Bezic, Jennifer Robinson, Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz, Tracy Wilson and Robert McCall, Jeffrey Buttle, and Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon.

Art has been a part of Christine’s life since early childhood. The fascination with drawing the human face began in her late teens. Although self-taught in portraiture, she studied the Visual Arts program at Heritage College in Gatineau.

Christine’s other art interests include photography and digital art. She is also a citizen scientist, a certified NestWatcher, and a climate/environmental/animal rights activist. She participated in the first and second Takaya Lone Wolf International Arts Festival. Takaya’s legacy has inspired Christine to continue painting wolves, wildlife, and the natural world.

Christine is donating 10% of art print sales from her web site.

“Nature helps to unfold the mind/heart and ponder on the koans of life. You can ask Nature, ‘Who am *I*?’. If you haven’t found an answer, the ‘Aha!’ effect, then you’re on the right path“